More than half of all college graduates have used student loans to pay tuition and other costs. So if the lingering bill for your education makes you nervous, know that you’re not alone in facing student debt and there are options that can make repayment easier. If the money you borrowed came through the federal […]
Category: Education
How to Use Credit
Borrowing money makes it possible to afford things you couldn’t otherwise, but make sure you understand what you’re signing up for to avoid falling into overwhelming debt. Paying it back Let’s be clear from the beginning: when you pay for something with credit, you’re still on the hook for that money. Often, you’ll have to […]
What a Car Loan Costs
When shopping for a car, it’s usually best to start by shopping for a car loan. When you’re shopping for a car loan, remember that what it costs you to borrow depends on three things: The finance charge, expressed as an annual percentage rate (APR) The term, or length of time the loan lasts The […]
Getting A Car: New, Used, or Leased?
When looking for a new car, you have three main options: buy used, buy new, or lease. There are pros and cons to each method. Your choice will be based on various financial considerations, driving habits, and personal preference. Used Buying a used car is appealing to many people. Used cars are less expensive up-front, […]
What Is A Credit Score?
A credit score is a number that potential lenders will use to determine whether they should lend you money, how much, and at what interest rate. Your credit score is an actual number between 300 and 850. The higher the number, the better: a score of 730 to 799 is considered very good, though the […]
Understanding Credit Cards
Using a credit card is easy. But choosing one isn’t always simple. Shopping with a credit card is a snap, but shopping for the card that’s right for you is another matter. Ask yourself these questions: Do you pay your credit card bills in full and on time each month? If not, do you spread […]