It’s scary to find yourself in a situation where you can’t afford your monthly debt payments. Whether that’s due to a sudden life change, like a job loss or illness, or if you’ve simply found yourself unable to keep up, there are steps you can take. Time For Action Though it may feel tempting to […]
Category: Borrowing and Credit
Reasons to Refinance
Refinancing can be beneficial if everything lines up in your favor. What can you get out of it? The list is long and exciting for someone stuck with loan payments that they aren’t happy with. Lower Interest Rate One of the most powerful outcomes of refinancing a loan is a lower interest rate. Whether your […]
How To Manage Your Debt: Strategies & Tools
Even if you’re financially responsible, life’s unpredictable nature can sometimes catch you off guard, at times making it dangerously easy to fall into debt. Discover how to start managing your debt with these tips and tools. Types of Debt While being in debt is never ideal, some types of debt are better than others because […]
Repaying Student Loans
More than half of all college graduates have used student loans to pay tuition and other costs. So if the lingering bill for your education makes you nervous, know that you’re not alone in facing student debt and there are options that can make repayment easier. If the money you borrowed came through the federal […]
How to Use Credit
Borrowing money makes it possible to afford things you couldn’t otherwise, but make sure you understand what you’re signing up for to avoid falling into overwhelming debt. Paying it back Let’s be clear from the beginning: when you pay for something with credit, you’re still on the hook for that money. Often, you’ll have to […]
What a Car Loan Costs
When shopping for a car, it’s usually best to start by shopping for a car loan. When you’re shopping for a car loan, remember that what it costs you to borrow depends on three things: The finance charge, expressed as an annual percentage rate (APR) The term, or length of time the loan lasts The […]