Having a car gives you the freedom to go wherever you want whenever you want. But if you don’t have auto insurance to protect you, a trip to the grocery store could cost a lot more than you expected. Whether fender bender or wreck, a car accident can incur medical bills, repair costs, and even […]
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Repaying Your Student Loans
More than half of all college graduates have used student loans to pay tuition and other costs. So if the lingering bill for your education makes you nervous, know that you’re not alone in facing student debt and there are options that can make repayment easier. If the money you borrowed came through the federal […]
Buying A Home
Start by defining your goals. Consider where you want to live, the features you’re looking for, what you can afford, and a realistic date for having the money you’ll need. Then apply your knowledge to making this key decision. The Cost of Buying The actual amount you’ll spend to buy a home depends on the […]
Working with a Mortgage Lender
Applying for a mortgage is a big endeavor. Most lenders require you to complete a mortgage application—a comprehensive financial statement. The information you provide on your application determines whether you qualify for a loan and how much you can borrow. The key numbers are your regular income, your debts., and the house price. The application […]
Making a Down Payment on a House
A lot goes into buying a home, but one of the biggest hurdles for many is saving enough for a down payment. What is a Down Payment? A down payment is a percentage of the home’s purchase price that you pay upfront. In other words, the down payment is the part of what you pay […]
The Cost of a Mortgage
A mortgage is likely going to be one of the largest loans you’ll take out in your life. It’s essential to understand all that goes into the cost and your responsibility in paying it back. Since monthly payments spread the cost of a mortgage loan over an extended period, it’s easy to forget the total […]