The traditional envelope budgeting system uses a budget binder or a box with envelopes to store paper bills. Each envelope is designated for a specific expense or savings goal—rent, entertainment, vacation, bills, etc. How Does the Cash Envelope System Work? Envelope budgeting helps you keep track of both income and expenses. The idea behind an […]
Category: Budgeting
50/30/20 Rule
The 50/30/20 rule is a simple, practical rule of thumb for individuals who want a budget that’s easy and effective. It offers guidelines for enjoying your income while putting savings on autopilot. Humans are fallible—sometimes we just need guidelines. If you struggle to make sense of a sea of budgeting systems and apps, consider the […]
Finding Funds in an Emergency
If you find yourself facing an emergency that you’re financially under-prepared for, the prospect of what to do next may feel overwhelming. Don’t panic. There are things you can do to get through this crisis. Work With What You Have The first step is to restructure your current budget. While some expenses are difficult to […]
When Times Get Tough
When emergencies and unexpected situations strike, it’s important to be prepared and make wise decisions. While tough times can vary, from a sudden job loss to a natural disaster, the steps that you can take to prepare yourself are often the same. There’s an old phrase that says “the best time to plant a tree […]
Budgeting: A Practical Guide
A realistic, workable budget is one of the most crucial tools in your financial wellness arsenal. Starting Points Your budget is your blueprint for keeping cash flow positive and sticking to your saving goals. If you have a partner, it’s essential to have one overall household budget. That big picture is crucial for having a […]
Debit Cards: All You Need to Know
Debit cards are one of the most common forms of payment. In fact, according to Bankrate, 63% of people between 18 and 29 don’t bother with cash, checks, or a credit card, preferring to use their debit cards. When you use a debit card, the amount of the payment is debited, or subtracted from, the […]